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the - 26
and - 14
text - 14
email - 12
mining - 10
group - 9
bitem - 8
research - 7
information - 7
data - 6
are - 5
bibliomics - 4
home - 4
projects - 4
resources - 4
contents - 4
none - 4
julien - 4
members - 4
biologists - 4
sib - 4
news - 3
people - 3
jobs - 3
areas - 3
patrick - 3
ruch - 3
former - 3
geneva - 3
bioinformatics - 3
for - 3
biological - 3
quality - 3
bibliome - 3
literature - 3
who - 2
alexandre - 2
flament - 2
anaïs - 2
mottaz - 2
déborah - 2
caucheteur - 2
emilie - 2
pasche - 2
esteban - 2
gaillac - 2
jeevanthi - 2
lyiana - 2
pathirana - 2
gobeill - 2
knafou - 2
luc - 2
mottin - 2
paul - 2
van - 2
rijen - 2
pierre - 2
andré - 2
michel - 2
arnaud - 2
gaudinat - 2
david - 2
issom - 2
dina - 2
vishnyakova - 2
douglas - 2
teodoro - 2
fabio - 2
ricci - 2
frédéric - 2
erhler - 2
gabriele - 2
musillo - 2
hind - 2
laghzali - 2
igor - 2
milhit - 2
jia - 2
kamel - 2
nebhi - 2
marie - 2
kolsch - 2
mathilde - 2
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scientists - 2
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table - 1
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mds - 1
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out - 1
typically - 1
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via - 1
association - 1
pattern - 1
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knowledge - 1
intensive - 1
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rules - 1
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these - 1
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biology - 1
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pubmedcentral - 1
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gov - 1
professor - 1
hesso - 1
leader - 1
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material - 1
mkdocs - 1

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